Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Knobby knees

all items remix'd
top: LoL for Target
cardi: Loft
skirt: Old Navy
boots: Anthro
sunnies: Dsquared
earrings: gift'd

I took advantage of temperatures in the 60s yesterday to wear some boots before I really have to put them away. I didn't realize how pale my legs and how knobby my knees looked until seeing them in between the dark skirt and shoes.

Looks like I will be traveling for work again at the end of this month and maybe some of June - boo. I guess there are worse places to go than Austin, Texas, however.

black long ruffle cardi 03
My favorite black cardi is starting to get some holes in it! I wear it so much during the cooler months, when it gets too ratty I will definitely invest in a more quality item.

pink floral halter 01
Another Liberty top that I love. Apparently I loved poufy hair too.


  1. Such a pretty top and I love those boots! I've been searching forever for a pair of cute flat boots, but have had no luck :( and now hardly any store carry them!

  2. EE,

    I missed my chance for a great Jill not in yoga clothes photo last month to send you...but as graduation fest heats up I hope to send you some...btw love the new hair color and Mike got a job...we are moving to VA!!!

    Miss you


  3. That blouse makes a fantastic statement piece in an otherwise all black outfit. Goodluck and safe travels for work.

  4. So many great outfits out there today! It's going to be so hard to get dressed tomorrow! It's still cold enough here for boots, so I'll have to steal your look soon!

  5. Haha, it's finally 60s here and i'm excited to get out my sandals!


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