Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hard time letting go

all items remix'd
top: WHBM
pants: Gap
shoes: Taryn Rose
earrings: gift'd
necklace: Collingnon Designs
bag: Louis Vuitton

I am pack rat by nature. Have always been, much to my mother's chagrin. So naturally the amount of clothes I own has increased steadily, year by year. Unfortunately my closet space has not grown with it!

I am the worse kind of clothes shopper there is. I don't make a list of holes in my closet I need to fill; I buy things because they speak to me (or did at some point). And somehow I make it all work.

This shirt is only okay to me: I have only worn it a handful of times since aquiring it and can seem to only style it with black or white bottoms. The keyhole neckline makes it hard to layer. Yet I can't seem to put it in the Goodwill pile. What do you think?


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    At least your hard time is only with clothes! I horde clothes (at least I haven't bought too many in the past 3 years - due to being preggers)and craft supplies (I guess you do too, but scrapping stuff takes up a little less room than fabric)!

  2. I'm the same way, not being able to get rid of clothes I dont wear anymore.

    I love the neckline of the shirt. I think the crisp black and white would look great with your pink pants too

  3. It's an adorable top! I love the neckline. I think it would look great with a pink skirt, grey pants, even those chartreuse-y ones. I can also see pairing a big yellow belt with it and a white skirt.

  4. I like the top! How about pairing it with yellow, oh, or red. Fun!

  5. I love the tunic! And I agree that pairing it with other colors would be a great way to spice it up. :)

  6. I really like the top. I am a pack rat too, and I am always afraid that if I get rid of an item I will want it later.

  7. preaching to the choir!
    why cant my closet just keep getting bigger?
    it is so hard for me to let go, and yet, so many things, when taken out and stuck in another room, i dont even miss.

    I think the top is cute, but if you can't think of five other ways to style it, let it go.

    Chic on the Cheap

  8. I could totally see that top tucked into a red pencil skirt, or worn with jeans and a button-up shirt layered underneath. I think it's fabulous on you and I love this outfit!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  9. I totally have a top just like that, and it's from WHBM too. Mine is just plain black and has a different neckline, but I never know how to wear it because it's hard to layer over, and it's an awkard length too.

    I do like your top with the cropped slim pants, and I think I may steal your idea when the weather gets warmer!


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