Wednesday, May 18, 2011


all items remix'd
top: Anthro
cardi: Express
skirt: Anthro
shoes: Target
sunnies: Dsquared
necklace: Tiffany's, gift'd
belt: Ann Taylor

I uploaded the trial version of Photoshop Elements 9 on my MacBook yesterday. The wi-fi connection in my hotel room has been weirdly slow so it took over 12 hours to upload. I am currently using Photoshop 4 on our desktop so am trying to get used to the new version. I'm thinking having a mouse may make things easier. And the photo below took much longer than it should to create...not sure if I am doing something wrong.

This outfit is from this past Saturday. I really love this skirt but it feels much fuller than it looks when I wear it. I guess having a bubble butt like I do doesn't help my cause ;)

Today is my last day of work for the week and in Austin. So ready to come home!


  1. I don't mind fuller bottoms because I feel like they hide my big butt rather than accentuate it.

    I hear you on old versions of photoshop - they don't run well on my newer computer, but it's just too expensive to get the new one (and try to learn it!)

  2. You might not be used to the fuller skirt but I think it looks fantastic on you!

  3. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The skirt is fab! And so cute with those bright, fun tops.

  4. I like full skirts, because the cover all the stuff that I want to hide. That skirt is cute, and I like it paired with the red top.

  5. Love the ruffled top with the full skirt. I can't wear stiff full skirts. It makes my bottom area feel big. If they're swishy though...

    I'm running Photoshop CS5 and it crashed like crazy on my older desktop (and laptop), but seems to be fine on my newer computer. It sounds like a mouse would help things out. I can never use the touchpad thingies.

  6. Oh, I LOVE that skirt! I love fuller skirts. They're so fun to twirl in.

  7. Anonymous2:44 AM

    you looks great with that skirt....

  8. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Happy birthday (one day earlier) to my lovely daughter and many many more, I miss you...


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