Sunday, May 15, 2011

{Belated} Week in Photos

I am glad I take random photos everyday because I find that I forget what happens if I don't!

2011 05 02 photo
A selfie was taken while relaxing in front of the telly.

2011 05 03 photo
Mr. Jones, my friend and the teacher whose classroom I volunteered at.

2011 05 04 photo
Our anniversary!

2011 05 05 photo
Visiting the little buddha. He is definitely chunkier than his older brother, baby J, hence the new nickname.

2011 05 06 photo
And we're off! Leaving on a jet plane to San Francisco!

2011 05 07 photo
C&K, the happy but nervous proud parents to be. I think I was one of 2 people at the shower who has known K since we were teenagers (ack - that doesn't seem that far away, but at the same time it does!).

2011 05 08 photo
Hanging out in SF. That big metal structure is part of a bow and arrow down by the Embarcadero.

D-Day is coming up on Friday so be warned if I sound more whiney that usual :)


  1. I love the pic of you and Joe. You both look so adorable and happy. I always love these roundups.

  2. Love your first selfi - so pretty, and hope you are having fun in SF, i'm so jealous!

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. thank you so much for coming out!! and omg, i had that bionic woman lunch box (was my first and i think only lunch box...)

  4. I LOVE your anniversary picture! :)


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