Friday, May 13, 2011


dress: Jovovich-Hawk for Target
leggings: AA, remix'd
boots: Anthro, remix'd
jacket: F21, remix'd
earrings: gift'd&remix'd

I am feeling less guilty about being behind on daily posts this week since blogger was down for the past couple days. It's funny how a change in your schedule can make everything go wonky.

2011 05 us 01
I wore this outfit on our anniversary date night last Saturday. We ate at The Slanted Door in San Francisco. If you are ever in the Bay Area, I highly recommend it. The food was absolutely delicious!

The whirlwind travel we did last weekend drained me a bit of my wardrobe inspiration so I am glad I have a backlog of cute outfits to share. Looks like there is no end in sight with the travel, as I will be back in Austin for work over the next 2 weeks and through June as well. Sigh. I guess things could be worse, right?


  1. good story, nice blog too... kindly visit my blog & click for support

  2. I love how you styled that Jovovich-Hawk dress. So perfect!


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