Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Presto change-o!

How many different things do you wear in one day?
birthday outfits
On a good, busy day I wear at least 4 different outfits! One for running, one for yoga, one for the day and one for the night. Seems like it may be excessive, but it's really not.

dress: Old Navy
shoes: B. Makowsky, remix'd
earrings: Collingnon Designs, gift'd&remix'd
necklace, Collingnon Designs, gif't'd
belt: Gap, remix'd

I bought this dress before I left for India for less than $10 new. This is why I don't go thrifting...I feel like I can find new stuff for just as much (although I understand thrifting is much more green, etc., etc.). I went with my boys to see Bridesmaids on Saturday after yoga. Kristen Wiig is hilarious!

dress: All Saints
shoes: Gucci, remix'd
earrings: gift'd&remix'd
bangles: Alexis Bittar, gift'd&remix'd

And this dress was a recent acquisition from our trip to San Francisco. I love the unusual cut and pattern, and that it can be dressed up or down. I'm sure it will get a lot of wear this summer.

I guess I should be on my way - I have an extra long commute this morning to Austin, Texas. Will be there for the next 9 days. See you on the flip side!


  1. Awww I love your new header!!

    Wow, 4 outfits in a day?!? Well when you explain it, it doesn't seem excessive. I change shoes a lot depending on where I will be after work. (driving shoes, heels, flats etc. :P ).

  2. I have totally done that on weekends too - something to work out in, something to go to lunch in, then something to go to the park in, etc., etc.

    Have fun in Austin!

  3. That's a sign of a good day, I'd say! Lovelovelove that All Saints dress. The sandals are the perfect pairing for them.

  4. I think today I'm on outfit four, too!

  5. GORGEOUS. These are two of my favorite outfits of yours ever!

  6. Nothing wrong with changing outfits - you can always say you get full use out of your closet :).

    I love that All Saints dress - the pattern is so cool


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