Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sticking to the basics

all items remix'd
top: Anthro
pants: Gap
shoes: Geox
sunnies: Dsquared
earrings: gift'd
necklace: Collingnon Designs, gift'd

Traveling for work can be a pain, especially when deciding what to wear. My outfits the next week and a half will be a bit basic and boring because I'm just not organized enough to plan "cool" work clothes.

red rose is a rose top 01
This top is a favorite of mine purchased with my Anthro birthday discount last year. I picked up a few things this year, but have not really been inspired that much by anything.

Speaking of sales, the Nordstrom half-yearly sale starts today and some shoes I have been eyeing are 30% off. I may have to buy a pair!


  1. It's always tough when traveling - and there is no way to pack for everything. I try to remeber small accessories like scarfs and belts that help mix up the basics.

    Love your new header- too cute!

  2. That top is gorgeous. I try to mix and match pack layers when traveling, but that can be hard for work trips.

  3. You know you tucked in your shirt for the past outfits and this is the first time you didn't!

  4. That top has gotten a lot of great remixing. I don't travel much but when I do, I suck at packing planned outfits.


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