Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catorce: Rinse and repeat

19 dress: Loft
8 shoes: Ann Klein
sunnies: Dsquared
earrings: gift'd
necklaces: Collingnon Designs

Dresses are almost like cheating in a remix challenge. All I do is change my shoes to make it more work appropriate and voila! A new outfit.

Some days I feel less than inspired to take outfit photos. Tuesday was one of those days. And yes, this is not what I am wearing today. While I like real-time posting, I find that having a couple outfits on reserve makes me feel less stressed about blogging. And that works better for me.


  1. Only in the world of blogging is wearing the same dress with different shoes "cheating"..

  2. Man I hardly ever real time post and I'm lucky if I even get home on time to take a picture of the outfit I'm wearing THAT day :P

    I love those shoes with that dress - and LOL to LyddieGal's comment - yes only in the world of blogging is it a sin to ever wear something twice :P

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Beautiful dress! I agree with LyddieGal too! You laugh, but that's what I thought instantly!

    Girl about Town XxX

  4. Ah-haha! I like LyddieGal's comment. Because she's right. :)

    Those shoes are adorable and you look fantastic in that dress every time!

  5. I often post outfit photos that I wore a few days ago- I'm so tired after work to take photos on a daily basis. Again, this dress is stunning and I love the red with the pale blue shoes- a lovely unexpected combination!

  6. I'm doing that today. Taking a dress I wore not too long ago, pairing it with different shoes and a necklace. Oh well - at least it's easy and cool!

    Your dress is so chic on it's own, it doesn't need much to it. And if your days are anything like mine - it's hothothot!

  7. Hahaha, I had never thought about dresses that way! Hmm... I have a feeling I'll be "cheating" lots this second half. Love how bright colors look on you!


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