Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trece: On location

all items remix'd
13 top: Old Navy
14 shorts: Banana
15 shoes: Enzo
sunnies: Dsquared
earrings: gift'd
necklaces: Collingnon Designs

A friend of mine told me about a photo spot in Austin to check out while I was here. One good thing about longer days is the hour of the "golden light" is at a good time. Too bad I have the stupid shadow of the fence in this photo - the only thing about the park was that standing room was pretty narrow.

I read somewhere that Banana/Gap/Old Navy mark the season in which they produce their clothes so I checked on mine. The top is from Fall '07 and the shorts from Summer '04! They have held up remarkably well; no pilling at all.

This is the first time I have actually gone somewhere to take remix photos. Luckily it's also under the guise of taking touristy photos so I didn't feel as awkward taking my own picture. There's Austin in the far background!

I am working of being more natural in front of the camera. I have no problem when someone is taking a photo of me with other people but I wish I had the ease of any number of you fashion bloggers out there. I certainly am not quitting my day job to become a model :)


  1. Hehe, the tripod on your legs is too funny. That's why I always shoot with my back to the sun + I love getting rim light.

    I've gotten more comfortable over the years, but I've found I'm less so when I've got a person and not a tripod or an audience of any kind.

  2. Well you certainly look at ease in all of your photos!

    I really like the flowy top with those shorts. You have such great legs!

  3. I love these shorts! I can't seem to find any that aren't to baggy or to tight :P
    But I'm the exact opposite with the photos. When there is someone else behind the camera I feel all awkward and self conscious. I like using the tripod better.

  4. Love the drapey-ness of this tank...really lovely.

    Outfit photos are a bit brutal for me too. But I'm always glad for the effort. :)


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