Sunday, September 25, 2011

{Last two} Week in photos

September has gone by in a whirlwind! Some observations from the past two weeks:

2011 09 12 photo
I am a crazy stalker and wanted to see if Target had products out the day before the big release. Nothing.

2011 09 13 photo
By the time I got there on Tuesday it was as if Nothing had been on the racks! Except that lonely lone hanger.

2011 09 14 photo
Baby J is super excited about his new Crocs. Although they are not his favorite color (orange), they come pretty close.

2011 09 15 photo
My first Third Thursday ladies night out with some yoga peeps and meeting some other nice chicas. Making new real-life friends is always a good thing.

2011 09 16 photo
Deadmau5 at Verizon. He is one of the hubs' current favorite DJs. We had to leave the show early because we had an early morning flight out.

2011 09 17 photo
Us with our friends at Red Rocks in Colorado. I would love to see a live show here.

2011 09 18 photo
We stayed at Chautauqua in the cutest little cottage.

2011 09 19 photo
If you look closely you can see the moon! The sky was unbelievably clean and crisp.

2011 09 20 photo
Trying to find the beauty at home.

2011 09 21 photo
DD a.k.a. Buddha baby on his way to his first day of "school."

2011 09 22 photo
We missed the last 2 Project Runway parties so it was good to catch up with everyone.

2011 09 23 photo
DD's half birthday was last week but we didn't have an opportunity to snap a pic until today. He is just such a cutie.

2011 09 24 photo
Erasure at Verizon. Andy Bell looked and sounded as fabulous as ever.

2011 09 25 photo
I am always impressed that our Costco runs include more fruits and veggies and less things in a box.


  1. Is it just me or is that double decker baby stroller kind of amazingly practical, kind of hilarious? ;o)

  2. No, I also find the baby carriage hilarious, and no one looks too happy about going to school!

    Chic on the Cheap

  3. This looks like such a great week. I love Colorado! So bummed I won't be able to make it there this year :-(

  4. Looks like you had a great trip! And I'm also giggling at that carriage. Buddha Baby looks very disapproving. Your food cart makes me so hungry for fresh veggies. Yum!

  5. Looks like you had a great trip! The babies are too cute:-) we are suckers for babies!

  6. You have been so busy!
    I love that lonely hanger being all that is left on the Missoni rack. I think everyone shared in that experience!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Oh I love those crocs- too cute!!!
    I love my blogging friends but wish I had more real life friends too. Hubby says I live in blogging world. My fave part of this whole post, the 6 month photo. SERIOUSLY ADORABLE!!!

  8. baby j is adorable in his red crocs! i can see why he's excited.


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