Friday, September 23, 2011

Still catching up

all items remix'd
top: Anthro
pants: Gap
shoes: Ann Klein
earrings: gift'd
necklace: Tiffany's, gift'd
bag: LV, gift'd

Vacationing always throws a wrench in my schedule. This week has been a whirlwind of activity every night. I feel like I haven't yet caught up on my sleep, uploading vacation photos, reading blogs, etc. And don't even ask me how the house looks. Important stuff, I know. Tonight I am looking forward to good yoga practice to finish out the week and an early night to bed. You know you are getting old when a good night's sleep sounds better than a night out partying!


  1. pretty top, fab bag...and i know exactly what you meant...sometimes we need time to recover from vacation...

  2. i know the feeling! i was out of town last weekend and i feel i got behind on EVERYTHING!

  3. Love that top with those navy pants! I always feel like I need a vacation after a vacation. I must be already old because I'd totally rather have a good night's sleep than go party.

  4. I'm dying to know which item is Feeling Like an Old Fart. Even vacations require a certain amount of respect. You make Navy Pants and Red Print look like a fashionable vacation. I like the cut of those trousers. They look like comfortable, but serious business.

  5. I suppose if your week has to get messed up, it's might as well be because of vacation.
    Love the top!

    Chic on the Cheap


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