Thursday, September 22, 2011


I am feeling much better about my whole blogging thing thanks to everyone's kind comments over the last 2 posts. Writing here should be fun and not a chore so I will treat it as such!

all items remix'd
top: Ann Taylor
pants: Gap
shoes: Charles David
bracelets: Tiffany's, Banana, various, all gift'd

This is the kind of outfit I reach for when I haven't planned anything to wear after a trip and I want to be comfortable.

2011 09 me 12b
I fell in love with this top after seeing it on Chloe when it came out. I loved it so much that I bought it in 2 different colors. These days I am not as inclined to buy multiples as I find I wear one more than the other. I do wish Gap would make more of these style pants a la J.Crew because they fit so well.

2011 09 bracelets
A close up of my bracelets. I found the two gold chains in the depths of my jewelery box...I don't remember when I aquired them, but I am pretty sure they are gifts from my grandma. I inherited my love all things pretty from her.

gray petal top 02
As you can see, I do love this top. It really adds a little something something to an outfit, don't you think?


  1. I love this top too, and I'd like to find one just like it! You look wonderful in it, styled all the different ways.

  2. That is a gorgeous top! And you've made it more versatile than I would have thought it was!

  3. I love this top! You can really change the look of it, too, which is nice. No wonder you wear it a lot!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. Love the leopard print shoes with this! I'm always in awe of how you remix pieces that people might take as 'fancy' for all types of occasions. Blogs should definitely be about fun. When it becomes "work" you need to switch something up.

  5. Beautiful top- I love the ruffles and the colour works perfectly on you. Also those leopard flats are beautiful- a must have! I know what you mean about blogging- once it becomes a chore than you need to step back but I'm glad you decided to continue one!

  6. Glad that you are feeling better! The leopard shoes are really fun!

  7. I just love how versatile this top is! great post! I hope you'd drop by my blog when you have the time!

    Not Your Ordinary Beauty Queen - H&M Leather Bands Giveaway!

  8. Anonymous12:50 AM

    That top is absolutely stunning!!!

  9. I love the combo of the patterned flats and your perfect ruffly blouse! :)


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