Friday, September 30, 2011

Maybe complaining works

all items remix'd
top: M+O
cardi&skirt: Loft
shoes: Target
earrings: gift'd
bracelets: Calypso for Target

We actually got some rain yesterday and today the temperature was in the upper 60s when we went to the park. It never fails that when I get so fed up with the weather I bitch about it yet again on the blog and then it actually cools down. I guess I should complain some more.

Today marks the 6 month anniversary of my return from Mysore. Being in India almost feels like a dream to me now. The most magical dream ever, but I almost can't believe I was there. I think it's time to go back...

white racerback top 01
I bought this top last summer because I wanted a white shirt that works better in Houston heat than one with sleeves. I can't believe this is the first time I've worn it this year. Reason #437 that I really don't need to buy any more clothes!

I am looking forward to a weekend of rest, relaxation, friends, and no work. Let's just make it through the last Friday of September!


  1. It worked the opposite for me. I complained it was cold and this morning, it's below freezing.

    I think I need your luck!

  2. How handy! I think you sent even cooler weather my way. It's nice in the sun, but the wind is cold. I love the white shirt, it looks so comfy for such a stark, crisp white top, and that skirt is always so bright and happy.

    I'm lovin' your hair lately. Have I mentioned that?

  3. You've styled this top so well! I love finding a versatile staple blouse like this!

  4. My weather has been weird, and by weird, I mean annoying and indecisive. One day it's like summer, the next it's freezing and raining. either way, it seems like I will not be getting a fall this year. I don't know why I thought i might get one, it's not like there was a spring.

    Ah well, i like the white top, and i bet if you got a new white top, you'd wear it twice a week for a month.

    we may never NEED new things, but we certainly like them.

    Chic on the Cheap


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