Thursday, September 29, 2011

Not even close

all items remix'd
dress&belt: Anthro
shoes: Taryn Rose
earrings&necklace: Collingnon Designs, gift'd&remix'd

While many people are celebrating the change in seasons this month, here in Texas we are just hoping for a bit of cooler weather. Like maybe in the 80s, please?!? I think in the gauge in my car has measured 100 degrees at least briefly every day this week. So my dreams of wearing layers and boots and the like are just dreams and not even close to becoming reality.


  1. Even though you are wishing for cooler weather, you look hot! This dress is absolutely gorgeous! This is such a happy print with all of the colors. Now I wish it was warm in Ohio again after seeing this!


  2. We go from cold fall to hot summer and back again every week. It makes trying to outfit plan impossible!

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I can't even imagine! Sending cool vibes your way. At least you look chic in the heat!

  4. I thought I would melt at 85F today! Granted I spent a good deal of time walking in direct sunlight in dark colors, but still. At least you can get away with wearing things like that fabulous Anthro dress. I love the fit and the bright colors!

  5. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Your dress is darling! I love all the colors in it.

    Hope you all get some cooler weather soon & you get to pull out your cardigans & boots :)

  6. Oh my gosh, I LOVE that dress! It looks beautiful on you.


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