Wednesday, December 07, 2011

december daily | 3 + 4

Real-time scrapbooking is definitely proving to be a challenge for me. I am currently 3 days behind which is not so bad. I guess the goal is not to fall so back that I start feeling overwhelmed!

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Saturday was a working day so not much exciting going on. We did open a bottle of "Enron" wine to toast the hubs' lay-off and subsequent re-hire from there 10 years ago.

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The weather finally changed on Sunday. It dropped 20 degrees in less than an hour, when the rain began. It is currently 32degrees and I am currently rethinking what I am going to wear today!


  1. I really enjoy your scrapbooking posts. What a cool way to create memories :) Heather

  2. It's coming along very prettily! You've got a great eye for scrapbooking.


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