Wednesday, December 14, 2011

no. 3

all items remix'd
top&belt: Anthro
sweater: Gap
skirt: Theory, consign'd
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
jewelry: Collingnon Designs

I have discovered why my closet seems to be fuller than normal these days. 1. My winter clothes (sweaters, cords, etc) take up much more room that shorts and tees. 2. I don't put away many of my summer tops because, like this one here, they make for great layering. 3. The weather here in Houston is so unpredictable that you never know when you may be wearing shorts in December! I am keeping my fingers crossed it won't come to this in 2011.


  1. LOVE your shoes! You look so good in pink :)

  2. Lovely outfit, you are beautiful! Love the pop of color from the cardigan ;)

  3. You really do wear pink well. It looks great on you!

  4. I adore your full skirt! It looks very swingy and fun. I try to pack away some of my summer clothes, but I do keep reaching for them to layer up. Plus it's been so unseasonably warm.

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I feel ya, lady. Sweaters and blazers are so dang bulky!

    Those shoes are a joy to behold.


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