Friday, July 13, 2012

on the...hay bale?

2012 07 yoga 01This may sound silly but the one thing I really don't like about vacationing is how it messes up my practice schedule. Daily practice can be tiring and repetitive, but is especially rewarding when noticeable changes occur in how deep a pose can be attained.

2012 07 yoga 02We were able to practice last Sunday with Jennifer, who was a fabulous teacher

2012 07 yoga 03We also had fun taking these photos, inspired by my dear friend, Jill. We haven't seen each other since India, but keep in touch via FB, blogs and IG. Besides practicing in the shala, I really miss the ashtanga community in Mysore, but am slowly building one here.

Have a great weekend!


  1. This is amazing! I've been doing yoga everyday now for a month and I just perfected my handstand! You just inspired me to do a yoga shoot! Although we don't have any haystacks.


  2. Aww this is sooo cool! Looks like a blast.

  3. Wow such fun. Doing a handstand is one of my party pieces now I can no longer do the splits!


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