Monday, July 16, 2012

Traveling in comfort

07.06.12dress: Old Navy / cardi: Anthro / shoes: Sam Edelman / earring: gift'd

I wore this outfit no less than 3 times on our vacation: the day we left, to see Legally Blonde the play and the day we returned. It is comfy enough to sit for hours on end on the airplane but chic enough to go directly from the plane to wherever we needed to go. I am not a fan of wearing track suits a la Juicy Couture on the plane.

What do you wear to be comfortable when traveling?


  1. Maxi dresses are great for travelling since they can be cool and comfortable or provide you with extra covering against air conditioning. I love the stripes.

  2. When I wnet away last year I wore a black maxi dress with denim shirt over. On the way out I had leggings on underneath (it was the UK) and on the way back just the dress which was strapless.

    I love your stripes.

  3. I don't think there is any place where a juicy track suit is something acceptable to wear.

    but a pretty printed maxi? perfect.
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. I haven't traveled in awhile so I honestly haven't thought about it - but I imagine a maxi like yours would be a perfect traveling look.

    Tracksuits would never be an option though. Ugh. Never understood that one.

  5. I do know what a Juicy track suit is but only 'cause I'm old.

    Love your maxi. I recently bought a striped green maxi very on sale at Loft and love its comfortable styling.

    For plane travel, it's soft skinny jeans, a tank, an easy cardi, and a soft scarf. That way I'm ready for temp extremes :p


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