Tuesday, July 17, 2012

project life | week 26

{June 24-30}
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Over halfway into this project now and I am still loving it.

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Still keeping these weeks pretty simple by using lots of digital products. Seeing these photos make me miss my nephews who are on the east coast for the month of July, visiting their other side of the family. I guess I can share them for 1 month out of the year!

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I am happy have a mix of "real camera" photos as well as iPhone photos to tell our stories.

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And we come to the end of volume one 2012, halfway through the year!

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I REALLY am trying to keep my PL albums to only 2/year. Even at this rate, if I keep at it I will be drowning in a sea of scrapbooks by the time I am...lots older than I am now. Not worrying about it too much currently - that's future EE's problem ;)

The Mom Creative

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