Tuesday, January 01, 2013

project life | week 52!

{Dec 23-29}
#projectlife week 52(!) full spread
full spread
I am patting myself on the back right now for keeping current with this album in 2012.

#projectlife week 52 left side
right side
The process has been so easy and fun.

#projectlife week 52 insert front side
insert front side
I decided to stick the CD that my friend made me directly into the album (after listening to it a few times, of course).

#projectlife week 52 insert back side
insert back side
Some songs were timeless while others I was like, really, what was I thinking?

#projectlife week 52 right side
right side
Most of the photos on this side of the spread were from our Christmas celebration with Joe's family. Love that it's already documented.

I hope that you had a amazing night last night and here's to 2013!

The Mom Creative

1 comment:

  1. Yay for finishing up Project Life. I am almost done. Just the last couple weeks of journaling to get done. Phew. Excited to start next years.


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