Wednesday, January 02, 2013

all dressed up | Happy 2013

top: Robert Rodriguez for Neiman Marcus and Target / jeans: Uniqlo / shoes: Gucci / bangles: gift'd

Most of my wardrobe these days consists of either clothes for work, yoga or hanging out. I do my best to buy clothes that have multiple functions, but for something like New Year's Eve, something special is always best. I had looked at the Neiman's collection for Target back in December when it first released but wasn't super-impressed, especially since the prices were not in the typical Target range. However, at 50% off, I was definitely more inclined to try something, especially this top, which intrigued me online and I loved even more in person. Lots of ruffles which in not for everyone, but which I loved and works for me with my broad shoulders and height (I am not super tall, but not petite either so it doesn't overwhelm).

the end page 01
Our last selfie of the year
The hubs and I had a fantastic time ringing in the new year with our friends but I am having a hard time getting back on schedule. You know you are an early riser when you feel like you're running behind if you wake up at 5 AM instead of 4:30AM!

At least it's already Wednesday so the rest of the work week should go by quickly. Are you returning to work today or are you one of the lucky ones who has the rest of the week off? Either way, have a good one!


  1. This is such a pretty top. You look fantastic! Happy New Year :)

  2. The ruffled blouse looks awesome on you. I'm glad you guys had a great NYE! I still can't get over how early you wake up.

    I guess I'm technically back to work since I am back to post office runs and meeting customers. School time is coming up quickly too.

  3. I like that top. I need to check out the Target Neiman's collection now that it is on sale.

  4. Happy New Year - you look fantastic in that outfit!

  5. Happy New Year, E! I saw that blouse today at Target and thought of you. It looks fabulous-- not too ruffly at all.

  6. ooooh! i was similarly unimpressed with the NM@target stuff when i saw it online, but this shirt looks AMAZING on you! the ruffles are just the right amount of ruffleyness!

    happy new year!

    dash dot dotty

  7. You look lovely. Happy new year.

  8. fun top! happy new year!!


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