Thursday, January 03, 2013

working wardrobe | the start

top&pants: Gap / shoes: Tory Burch / earring: gift'd

My outfit photos have been fewer and farther between these days because I just haven't been motivated to be creative about my dress.

jacket: Gap / skirt: gift'd / boots: Anthro / tights: Hue {unseen - top: Anthro / cardi: M+O}

I am happy about welcoming some cooler weather for the new year.

brown tweed skirt 01
Especially since I can wear this skirt that was kindly given to me from across the sea!


  1. that is a cute skirt, and i really love it with your red toggle coat and leopard - so great!

  2. Glad to see you making the most of my old skirt.

  3. That skirt is really great! It looks excellent with your red toggle coat.


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)