Friday, January 04, 2013

on the mat | a little is better than nothing

2012 was a good yet challenging year of yoga for me. I feel like I have appreciated the spiritual aspect of the asana but the actual physical asana hasn't come to me quite as easily. Being plagued with random injuries (wrist, shoulder, back, butt, to name a few!) can be discouraging but I try to remind myself that the poses themselves aren't important, just getting up to practice is.

2013 01 yoga ee

So in 2013 I am going to cut myself some slack. On days that my body is telling me it can't do a 2 hour practice, doing 15 minutes of sun salutations at home is ok. My goal this year is not necessarily practice every day but on the days I intend on practicing, do at least some even when I don't feeling like doing it all.



  1. What a lovely serene photo. Good Luck.

  2. I think you have an excellent attitude towards your practice. You're pushing yourself to keep on. Maintaining anything is the hardest part. I know you've gotten to know yourself well and when not to push your limits, wishing you all the best this year! And hopefully a less painful year.


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