Monday, January 07, 2013

weekend lens | the celebration continues

Sometimes the first weekend of the year can be a bit of a bummer because the holidays are over. Luckily we had a couple more things to celebrate to ease the transition.

We helped wish our friend S a happy birthday on Friday.

She and her hubs P are the cutest couple ever and fast becoming good friends. We look forward to getting to know them better in 2013.

week 01 11
On Saturday we went over to spend time with my side of the family. My sister and her family were in Cape Cod the last two weekends in December so we did our Christmas a little later this year.

week 01 13
These days the only way for the boys to stay still for the camera is to have something on TV for them to watch! You can tell they are tired because their fingers have a permanent place in their mouth ;). And unfortunately Dad couldn't be here to celebrate with us, but he's with us in spirit.

Hope you had a great start to your 2013. So not ready for a full work week, but it's coming so here we go!

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