Tuesday, January 08, 2013

project life | the end of 2012

#projectlife the end full spread
full spread
52 weeks, all in 2 albums!

#projectlife the end full spread insert right side
full spread insert right side
I prefer to have all of one year in the same album so the last couple days of 2012 got there own spread, which is just as well because I took a ton of photos on New Year's Eve.

#projectlife the end left side
left side
I am happy to report that our last Sunday yoga practice of 2012 included 3 of my favorite people in the world and yummy cocos afterwards. The right column of this page starts our NYC photos.

#projectlife the end insert front
insert front
Taking photos of us with our friends is one of my favorite things to do. Since many of our favorite people were in attendance, lots of photos were snapped. I added some confetti and glitter to one of the pockets to add a bit more sparkle.

#projectlife the end insert back
insert back
More more more. For 2013 I need to take some better photos of these pages - I love my iPhone but it has its limitations.

#projectlife the end right side
right side
The hubs and I have given each other midnight kisses since 1999. The probably get documented every other year ;)

#projectlife the end full spread insert left side
full spread insert left side
Seriously this makes me so happy.

#projectlife 2012 end page, volume 2!
end page
And 2012 is a wrap!

2013 will be my 3rd year doing this project (finished one for 2010 and last year. Kicked myself for not doing in 2011.). I am dying to get my paws on the Seafoam edition - I bought the digital version but my printer just isn't that great so I want to use the print version. This means that I will be "behind" on my 2013 pages for now, but a little break is ok.

The Mom Creative


  1. Your NYE looks like so much fun!! I love, love the confetti kiss. Did you just sew the pocket shut?

  2. Woohoo!!! Look at all that fun and glitter!
    I started PL last May, and I've been spending the last month or so making a 2011 PL album as well. I'm so glad I'm doing it because it's the best way to showcase all these iPhone snaps that I took that year. (It's stressful though, but I know I will love looking through it once it's done.)
    Ronnie xo

  3. Yay! Doesn't it feel good to be done? I too really wanted to fit everything in just one album.

  4. So cute and fun! Great job finishing up 2012! Happy New Year!

  5. What a fun way to finish up 2012 !


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