Thursday, January 10, 2013

working wardrobe | obsessive much?

top&belt: Anthro / cardi: Loft / skirt: Old Navy / shoes: b.o.c. / tights: Hue / jewelry: gift'd
One personality trait I possess that is not always evident when you get to know me (mainly because I keep it under wraps) is that I tend to be a bit obsessive about things. When I first discovered the Wardrobe Remix photo group in Flickr, I would look at it all the time, and that's when I first started posting my own outfit photos, shopping quite a bit and reading tons of fashion/style blogs.

This obsession has since quieted down, especially when I realized I was consuming too much (in my mind) and buying clothes because I liked them on other people, not necessarily because I really wanted or even needed them. I've definitely tried to limit my blog list to those people who inspire me not necessarily by the latest thing they have bought but by how they put their outfits together.

Slowly working on #projectlife 2013 while waiting for my seafoam kit to arrive
Of course this doesn't mean I haven't fixated on something else. Since being the proud owner of an iPhone and discovering Instagram, I love the instant gratification of being able to take, edit and upload a photo all in a few easy steps without having to connect to the computer first. But to be more specific, all things Project Life have been on my mind most of last year and a lot of this year already (blogs, IG feeds, YouTube videos to name a few).

So bear with me as I try to obtain some balance between my few obsessions. What's been on your mind lately?


  1. Your project life work looks really interesting. I need to start putting more albums together. I do them for vacation photos, but not my other ones.

  2. Beautiful top! I think many bloggers go through that blast of shopping and realization that new-new-new is unnecessary. I've definitely had to watch more bloggers who focus on remixing over new stuff.

  3. I think it's alright to be obsessed with PL, hehe!

    In fact, my main pre-occupation at the moment is trying to finish our 2011 PL album, which I started a couple of months ago. Only August to December to go, and then I'll be done! It's taken forever but I'm so glad I have all those photos printed and into a gorgeous album.

    What else - I have a lot of blog posts on my mind that I need to write down...

    Ronnie xo


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