Wednesday, March 06, 2013

getting crafty

Here lately I have been getting my crafty groove on.
#yesplease @amytangerine goodness!
Instead of shopping for clothes I have been shopping for scrappy goodness. I adore and am inspired by amy tan, which is why I want my grubby paws on everything she makes.

Newest obsession: I can't sew but I can stitch! Thanks @amytangerine
Catching up on my Project Runway tonight I busted out her new embroidery stencils. Love them!

This one took a project runway episode but I love it! Definitely going into #projectlife thanks again @amytangerine #amytangerine
I can't sew but I can stitch! Love this camera motif and it will be seen on a Project Life layout near you.


  1. I love Any's things too AND a huge plus we can buy them from a big craft material store in Australia ! Yay!

  2. Oh! Those are so cute. I especially love your tangerine pad.

  3. Simply awesome, that stitching!!! Can't wait to see it in a layout. :)
    Ronnie xo


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