Tuesday, March 05, 2013

project life 2013 | week 7

{feb 10-16}
week 07 title card
title card
Seven (+) weeks in and still obsessed with this project.

week 07 full spread
full spread, no inserts
(Sorry about the quality of this particular photo - an iPhone snap, the others were taken with the big camera)
Valentine's week was a photo-heavy one...

week 07 full spread inserts right side
full spread, inserts right side
...so I included 3 inserts!

week 07 left side
left side
It is nice to leave some pockets more blank, like the bottom right one, to give your eyes a place to rest.

week 07 insert 1 frontweek 07 insert 1 back
insert 1 front and back
week 07 full spread insert 1 left side
full spread, insert 1 left side
We received a birth announcement of my cousin's baby girl, so wanted to add that, of course. Love that I have a place for random mail we get. And on Saturday one of my yoga peeps threw a big wedding reception, so of course I wanted to add lots of photos.

week 07 insert 2 frontweek 07 insert 2 back
insert 2, front and back
week 07 full spread insert 2 left side
full spread, insert 2 left side
We had a great time at the reception, with good food, friends and fun. Seems to be a theme these days, which I am totally ok with!

week 07 insert 3 frontweek 07 insert 3 back
insert 3, front and back
week 07 full spread inserts left side
full spread, inserts left side
I made a mini scrap page talking about the wedding and how I loved that she served not 1 or 2 but 5 different cakes for dessert. A girl after my own heart :)
And I included V-day cards from the hubs and his parents.

week 07 right side
right side
And more photos from the week. One great thing about being able to share photos from phones - I sent a book to a friend's boy in Cali and she sent me a photo of him reading it. Love.

Another week for the books!


  1. Love all the fun inserts !

  2. I love all the photos with the mustaches! It looks like you had a great week. Heather

  3. I had a really tough time pulling my Valentine's week spread together because I'm not very into romance; (I'm not a fan of roses (probably because when growing up we had nearly 100 rose bushes and I always got stuck with the chore of watering and trimming them, which I HATED); I don't like chocolate; and I can't get into the habit of wearing jewelry (I actually lost the diamond necklace my husband gave me a few years ago LOL). You, however, did a really, really great job of pulling together this spread. LOVE all the details.

  4. Anonymous12:41 AM

    I love your pages this week! What a great idea to have someone take a photo of a gift you sent being used - love that so much!

  5. Fantastic spread this week. So much going on and so well done. I love how it turned out. Beautiful!

  6. Fantastic spread this week. So much going on and so well done. I love how it turned out. Beautiful!

  7. Those bracelets are amazing! And I love that pink dot insert! You did a fantastic job documenting what looks like a very busy & fun week. :)


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