Sunday, March 03, 2013

weekend lens | family, food and flu

Auntie and DD
My sister and her hubs took their oldest skiing this weekend and left their youngest in my mother's caring hands. I went over there to visit and help out as much as I could.

Riding the train!
We took a ride on the train at Hermann Park on Saturday morning - it was actually quite cold especially with the wind.

Sleepy baby
Poor baby crashed on the drive home from the train (which is only 10 minutes away!). Mom said he hadn't been sleeping well, probably because his mama was away...

Unsure about uncle joe @hoover11
We took him to have Chinese food for dinner. This baby can eat and will try just about anything! I love his expression here - not too sure about his uncle Joe :)

Hello, Sun
This morning we woke up to watch the sunrise. I was planning on hanging out with Mom and baby today as well.

Feeling a bit rundown today so drinking honey ginger tea and resting all day!
But after yoga I was feeling very run down and flu-like. I'm thinking it was because of being so cold yesterday, but who knows. This winter seems to be the season of being sick. So spent the day at home, not doing much of anything.

Loves a man who cooks
Luckily I have a man who feeds me well. Here's to an early bedtime and hoping to feeling better in the morning!


  1. Hope you feel 100% soon, glad you are being well looked after!

  2. Lovely snaps. I had a migraine on Sunday and felt icky too.
    Here's to a healthy week.

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  4. Thanks for sharing these precious photos Eek. Looks like such a lovely weekend. I do hope you're feeling a bit better now though.
    Ronnie xo


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