Monday, July 22, 2013

out of practice

The funny thing, for me, about writing and blog-writing in particular, is that once the words stop, they become hard to re-discover. So this week my goal is to write more - nothing specific, maybe just how our days have been - just to exercise those writing muscles again.

We had a pretty quiet weekend.
Mommy and me #pictapgo_app
Spent some good time with Mommy.

Silhouette #latergram #pictapgo_app
Finally found a good spot to take sunset silhouette photos.

Thanks to @davidisabamf
Got my hair did!

title page 05
Had fun with a "photo booth."

Practiced yoga.

Post yoga breakfast
Ate some tasty breakfast tacos.

As always, the weekend went by much too fast! Happy Monday :)


  1. Great to catch up - your hair always looks good.

  2. Your hair looks so cute, and i love your sunset photo!
    Chic on the Cheap

  3. Epically cute hair! Love the sign in the taco picture. Those chips look pretty good too. ;)


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)