Tuesday, July 16, 2013

project life 2013 | week 26

{june 23-29}
week 26 title card
title card
I am about a week "behind" on this project, but that's OK. And I still love it.

full spread
Because we were traveling at the end of the month, keeping things simple made it easy to finish these pages. One card with some words for every day of the week. And then just drop the photos in. Easy peasy!

left side
We had a family emergency (that is still in progress) so I spent a lot of time with my sister and the boys this week. Funny thing - the iPhone makes it that much easier to take day to day photos, but now the majority of mine are portrait instead of landscape! Luckily having digital templates make it simple to just size down the photo and put it into a horizontal pocket.

right side
The photos don't exactly match the words day for day, but as a whole they capture the essence of the week. Because my weeks run from Sunday-Saturday, part of our vacation landed on week 26 but most on week 27. I added a couple photos to this spread but will use more for next week. Next year I may keep our weekends together but we'll see...


  1. Love those day cards!! Love the simplicity of your pages this week!

  2. That's an ambitious project!


Thanks for stopping by! Say hi if you would like :)