Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Digital is great...

...but nothing beats having photos in your hand. Maybe it's the tactile sensation, but for me looking at photos on the computer still doesn't compare. When we bought our first digital camera, this huge Kodak, I remember thinking, now I don't have to have any prints and we can just look at the pictures on the computer! Unfortunately one of our hard drives crashed and I have lost many photos some certain events (a birthday at La Strada, a visit to Phoenix). That, and re-discovering my love of scrapbooking, has brought me full circle.

Yes, take as many pictures as you need to with the digital camera (I have since upgraded to a Nikon D50 - love it! as well as a Canon point and shoot) but get those photos printed. Not every single one, but lots of them. You don't need to scrap all of them, but I always like browsing through photo albums.

I love this photo of my parents from their wedding. They look so young. Well, I guess they were so young! Digital has made it possible for me to save this picture well into the future, but I still had it printed out. This is definitely one for the favorite photo scrapbook.

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