Sunday, June 10, 2007

Scrap record

I have completed 12 layouts this weekend! Definitely a record for me. And I didn't really plan anything either - just kind of scrapped by the seat of my pants, which is what I usually do (in scrapping and in life in general!). Just think how productive I could be if I planned out my layouts in advanced. I have before, but thinking about it takes too much effort sometimes. One of my major faults in laziness (and not far behind is procrastination).

Other than scrapping I have not done much this weekend. It's over and I still don't really have much food in the fridge. All the errands I was planning on running today were put on the back burner since my car isn't working. Tomorrow I am going to call the tow truck first thing in the morning to take my car to the dealer. This is a real pain in the ass, but I guess I shouldn't worry about what I can't control.

I did get out of the house for a couple hours today to go to Costco with Darryl and Danny. I got lots of chicken so now I just need to pick up some veggies before Joe returns home on Tuesday. Hopefully the car will be fixed by then.

Off to bed. Good night!

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