Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Stuff of Life

I'm taking yet another online class. This just direct thru scrapper Nichol Magouirk. She designs for KI Memories, Creative Imaginations and others. I was immediately attracted to to colors of the mini book she had on her blog and since she was offering at a class, signed up immediately! This class is different from BPS in that she sent us a class kit to make exactly what she made, which I love. So I am going to be having fun creating this book this month!

On a random, sad note, my heart goes to the families to lost loved ones at Virginia Tech today. What a waste of life. I can't believe something like this still happens - what would possess a person to shoot more that 30 people before taking his own life. I just don't understand it. Cherish the life you have and live every day to its fullest. Things can always be so much worse.

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