Saturday, February 02, 2008

A daunting task

So I have been diligently cleaning/purging my closet this morning. Every time I would open it up the mess would be mocking me but I just didn't have the energy to tackle it. Since I have a long weekend I figured today would be as good as any to start. I have organized my clothes and purged what I want to give away (some to Mom and some to GoodWill). I have gotten rid of some shoes (mostly old workout shoes - I haven't really been into shoes the past few years). Now I just have to organize the stuff that's in there. Not quite ready for that yet, hence I am blogging instead.

I do want to clean out some more clothes to get ready for this:

The new Go line at Tar-yah by Jovovich-Hawk which will be out 3/2. I think some of the dresses may be a little young (I hate that I have to think about "dressing my age" - sigh) but some of the stuff looks pretty cute!

I have also been stalking this:Stella McCartney is designing a travel line for Le Sport Sac. Looks cool and maybe good for workout gear. I just haven't seen it available yet.

Back to the organizing...maybe

1 comment:

tinger said...

Why do you call it Tar-yay? it is Tar-jay!!!!!