Sunday, March 08, 2009

Losing an hour

2009 03 08 photo
Originally uploaded by eekachinski35 not that bad, I suppose. Luckily I already ran yesterday so I didn't have to wake up super early. After seeing patients for an hour, I met Joe for our usual yoga practice. We then came home, had some lunch and worked on the backyard for an hour. Our tenants are leaving at the end of the month so we need to make the jungle that is our backyard a bit more presentable!
Joe then rode his bike to the office to drop off clothes for tomorrow morning, which gave me time to scrap and play with my new Noteworthy Slice card! We also did a bit of shopping along Westheimer (didn't find anything) as well as more grocery shopping (ever exciting).
So did we actually cook any of the food we bought today? Of course not. We ended up meeting some peeps at Berry Hill for fish tacos. We didn't drink any crackritas so came home before 7pm. After watching some 60 minutes and catching up on some of my blogs, it's almost time for bed. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh - losing an hour was not fun! My head has hurt all day, but I am not sure if the losing of the hour caused it. Didn't help, that is for sure. I wish I could have made yoga yesterday, but I was feeling pretty yucky. I guess this is just the tip of the iceburg - not fun!