Sunday, September 06, 2009

Not feeling quite myself

I am loving the lower humidity that we have been having this last week, but it's wrecking havoc on my throat! I have woken up with a sore throat every day since we got back from Cali! I don't feel sick but I'm definitely not 100% either and have been really unmotivated to work out. I haven't taken any allergy medicine yet, so maybe I should do that now.

2009 09 05 photo
Originally uploaded by eekachinski35

In other, unrelated to allergies news, the hubs is finally done with his gig at Enron! He plans on taking a few months off to train for his 2nd to last Ironman triathlon (with the last being, hopefully, in Kona!). Luckily we have been saving for a rainy day so we should be ok, although it feels weird for me to be the primary breadwinner :). One of his goals while being unemployed is to cook more and try a new recipe every week so he started last night, with crab cakes! They were delish!


The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I must try crab cakes!

Tingaling said...

Wow - Joe is the house mouse now! That is great! Are you back by sunday? If so - come on over!

Anonymous said...

finally, Enron is least Joe will cook for you ..