5 AM

The hubs left early to prepare for the Houston Half-Marathon!
6 AM


Heading out the door to cheer on the hubs

Seeing the hubs run by!
9 AM

Me and E, part of Joe's cheering crew. E's wife R is already in Mysore and is helping me getting settled when I arrive. He will be out there for 3 weeks in March.
10:30 AM

Time for yoga
12 PM

In the words of Lululemon, "post savasana bliss"
1 PM

Brunch with the hubs
2 PM

What I wore (all items remix'd)
dress: Converse for Target
shoes: Geox
earrings: gift'd
scarf: AE
3 PM

The hubs in a new jacket, being goofy
4 PM

Where you can usually find him
5 PM

Going to the grocery store
6 PM

Where you can usually find me
7 PM

8 PM

Clean up duty
It is almost 9 and time for bed. I realize this may be too early for some, but I find I am much more productive in early morning hours. Good night :)
That is a busy Sunday! I like the teal dress.
Heh. 9 is late for me. I'm in bed by 8:30 if at all possible.
You look gorgeous in that teal dress!
Love these kind of posts. I agree that the teal dress looks awesome on you!
Your dinner looks delicious too, what did you make, exactly?
Awww, have a good trip! And congrats on your hubs for running that half marathon!!
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