Thursday, November 29, 2012

a month of gratitude | stop and smell the cinnamon

Never get tired of a cool sunset
As I was slowly waking up this morning, I suddenly realized today is already Thursday. Where the heck did the week go?

Being a bit under the weather this week has made me a bit lazy (well, how about lazier than usual). Now I feel like the week "grace period" between November and December is all but gone and I am way behind in my holiday preparations!

He's three!
I am glad I managed to help celebrate this little man's birthday (again). I can't call him Baby J anymore, as he is clearly no longer a baby. Sigh.

So hard to capture the warm light from the golden hour
I am still trying to take things day by day. Enjoy the little moments. Do one thing at a time...and not stress. The holidays are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. I think we just invent things to be stressed about when it's really not that big a deal.

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