Friday, March 07, 2014

finally Friday

Creativity has been eluding me lately. Haven't been inspired to photograph or write too much of anything, except daily documentation. I realize it's a thing that ebbs and flows but feel like it's been ebbing too much! 

How do you get your creative juices flowing?

And are you as glad as I am that today is FRIDAY!


The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I have lost my blogging mojo this year but I am just going with it.
I have been spending more time with yoga. I have done Hatha yoga for many years but have just started Ashtanga - I can see why you are hooked.

olya said...

To get unstuck creatively, I read something inspiring. For some reason, this worked for me recently: I also talk to my creative friends who have on-going projects, and their enthusiasm is contagious. Or I try something different - working with different media or writing in a completely different style. I think it takes away the pressure to produce something worthwhile and allows me to just play around and be creative. Alternatively, I think of a specific person or persons and do a project just for them. Hope this helps. Love the pictures you take, and can't wait to see more!