Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sleepin' in

I woke up last night around 2:30AM with the worst cramps. They weren't necessarily the most painful I've experienced, but they were just SO uncomfortable that I couldn't really sleep. I did manage to fall back asleep and didn't wake up, aside from kissing Joe goodbye when he left for his morning run with Jim, until 6:30 or so this morning. I was feeling better, but as I am typing this I can feel the cramps again. This is probably the ONLY thing I really hate being a girl. I understand it's a necessary evil, but oh how I wish it weren't!!(Ha! Me and every single female on this planet!!) Since being off the pill, the cramps are definitely worse. Ugh.

Before yoga this morning, I have to see one patient. Not a big deal, but still a bit of a pain since I will be working EVERY DAY next week. Literally. Mon - Sun. Now Sun-Sun (even if Sunday is short, it's still time I have to be there. At least the week after that will be short and I have the next weekend as a three day weekend. So I will try not to complain too much!

1:17 PM
Yoga was good today. But it makes me miss Ms Cindy - Sundays aren't going to be the same!

Joe and I had leftovers for lunch and we just got done with manis and pedis. I love having polish on my toes. Makes my gross toenails look halfway decent.

I am now in the process of doing laundry, which is a never ending process at the Kachinski household. I guess working out so much adds up the laundry!

4:48 PM
We went to pick up Rowan and Queenie for A&P this afternoon. The boys are in Denver for a shower for Seth and Jill. We should be leaving for an Oscar's party this evening at Matt and Rob's. Need to change and get ready. I'm hoping that Brokeback will take it all!!

I don't know how late we'll be home so signing off for now...

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