Monday, February 18, 2008

I *heart* Mondays

Today is President's day, which is a holiday that only bankers and people who work for Enron get off. So Joe and I got to hang out today! Joe cycled yet again this morning, while I went to yoga.
After working out we went to a new place for lunch called Zoe's. They serve Greek-inspired food, which was yummy!

I had a fresh limeade with my chicken kabobs while Joe enjoyed the grilled chicken.
After lunch we went to Empire Cafe for dessert - I mean, we couldn't let half-price cake on Monday be wasted after all.

When we finished our chocolate indulgence, we did a little shop shop (I bought the cutest pink T at this boutique called Rosemont 310) and a little grocery shopping. The afternoon has been spent napping and watching a little TV. Not a bad way to spend a Monday!

1 comment:

tinger said...

Ha - you must mean commercial bankers get Pres day off, as my investment banker was hard at work! Sounds like a most excellent Monday!