Friday, March 28, 2008


Reason #23 to color your hair: as I was brushing mine this morning, I saw the glint of something light...something white. No ma'am, that is NOT a white hair growing on me head! Alas, but it was. This short, white, wiry thing trying to pass for hair on my head. I did what any self-respecting person would do - plucked it. Ugh! So my reason for coloring/highlighting your hair: no one will know if/when you are going grey/white because no one will know your actual real hair color!

Mom, please never stop coloring your hair!

1 comment:

tinger said...

I agree! Not that I really color my hair, but whenever I see a whitey, I def pluck it. and whenever I start getting a lot, I'll def dye my hair.

P.S. Let's plan on dindin on Fri 4/11!