Sunday, February 07, 2010

Ski bunnies

The hubs and I are enjoying a long weekend skiing in the Colorado Rockies - Breckenridge, to be exact! The last time we were here was 8-9 years ago...Joe proposed at the top of the mountain (that's a whole other story it itself!)! Sadly, I didn't take as many photos, scrapbook as much or blog back then so my memory of the details other than the proposal are spotty at best. Thank goodness I have a much better method of memory keeping now :)
Breckenridge day 1 We flew into Denver yesterday and drove to Breck. Fortunately the weather cooperated and the drive took less than 1 hour. Breckenridge day 1 Breckenridge day 1We had a few hours to kill before we were able to check into our condo so we took the time to drive around town, rent my skis and have some pizza! The gluten-full pie was delish but made me feel really full afterwards.Breckenridge day 1
Breckenridge day 1
Once we unpacked our stuff we went grocery shopping and also checked out the rec center. We may sign up on Monday to work out and go to yoga!

The last thing we did last night was snow shoe! We went on a night guided tour with Tom. It was quite an experience and aside from the excessive talking by aforementioned guide we really enjoyed it.Breckenridge day 1
Breckenridge day 1
Breckenridge day 1
Today we spent most of the day on the slopes. I haven'te been skiing in about 3 years so it took a few runs to get my ski legs back. My quads are still sore and I am definitely more tired but all in all it was a great skiing day! We are now finishing dinner - spinach salad and rice pasta with meat sauce - while watching the Superbowl. I think we are going to go get some dessert and check out the ice sculptures here in a bit.Breckenridge day 2
Breckenridge day 2
Breckenridge day 2
Breckenridge day 2

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