The hubs. He's a cutie! I love being out during the "golden hour" before sunset and would take more photos then if it weren't so damn hot!

Baby buddha. Another cutie. He is getting some teeth, which explains the constant drooly mouth.

My mom cooks this Chinese dish with dried mushrooms which translate from Mandarin into "wood ear." I just figured it was another random Asian-lost-in-translation thing, so imagine my surprise to find out that woodear mushrooms actually exist!

Nothing is more yummy that baby toes to me.

A selfie for another exciting Friday night.

The temperature at 8 pm on Saturday night was 105. Seriously. Everytime I step outside I feel like I am baking in an oven.

This photo cracks me up. What did we do before IPhones and Blackberrys? Oh yeah, actually talk to each other. Now we just text or post on Facebook.
That is crazy hot! You must be looking forward to fall.
That last picture is hilarious because isn't it so true nowadays? You make all this effort to get together with your friends after a long day at work or whatnot and what we all end up doing but spend the time with our noses in our technology!
The baby toes photo is so pretty! I love using dried "woodear" mushrooms (they're rather popular here in japan) but I'd never seen them raw :)
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