Friday, February 07, 2014

finally Friday

This has been a very long week at work, mostly because of the added driving. We opened a satellite office up north, which requires an additional hour commute, 2 days per week, every other week.

Driving up and being there has been fine, but the drive home has been killing me. Been so tired every day! Complaining is not something I like to do a lot, but sometimes you gotta just vent. 

And although I am working on Saturday, we have some things planned this weekend that I am looking forward to. There's a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel...

TGIF! Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good luck with all the car time! i used to have a killer commute and when we moved slightly closer to my office it made me soooo much less stressed! have you tried audiobooks to help pass the time?

dash dot dotty