Monday, May 17, 2010

Some more snaps

My good friend C is in town this weekend for some of her best friend's pre-wedding parties. Yesterday we all met up at Benjy's on Washington for brunch!
05.16.10dress: Anthro, remix'd
shoes: Gap, remix'd
earrings: old
bracelets: Alexis Bittar, gift'd&remix'd
shades: Tom Ford, remix'd

In keeping up with my sundress Sunday for the summer, I wore a new-ish dress that I adore. I am trying to find different ways to style it, some any suggestions would be welcome.

brunchWe sat at a great table in the front middle of the restaurant.


2010 05 16 photoMore cuties

beef udonI ordered the beef udon, which was delicious! Unfortunately I ate too much, got tired and stopped taking any more photos the rest of the day ;)!

We ended up going to a pool party for a bit, then Joe and I came home. I was still pretty tired from the night before so we called it an early night. But I will admit, for a working weekend the past 2 days weren't so bad!


Anonymous said...

Is that the perfect spring dress? Quite possibly!

Lisa - respect the shoes said...

Alright, you get my vote for funnest person I "know" to hang around with - you and the hubby always seem to out and about doing stuff and having a blast. AND you always look fabulous doing whatever.

Kendi Lea said...

Adorable dress! I agree with SAl -- it's the perfect spring dress!