Saturday, June 12, 2010


My new bag is so pretty I am almost afraid to use I decided to bust it out today, a Saturday that I have to work, just to make up for the having to work part.

{All items remix'd, except the new bag!}
top: Libery of London for Target
pants: Gap
shoes: Geox
earrings: gift
belt (unseen, but necessary to hold pants up!): Gap
bag: Gucci

06.12.10I have worn this outfit before, but with different shoes. I really didn't want to wear these flats, even though the Summer Black-Out allows for black accessories, but I don't have any other matching flats. Unfortunately I can't wear cute heels to work today because my clogs from yesterday have given me a blister on my right toe and any undue pressure causes it to hurt even more. The things we do for fashion...

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